Direct mapping of Li-enabled octahedral tilt ordering and associated strain in nanostructured perovskites
Y. Zhu*, R.L. Withers, L. Bourgeois, C. Dwyer, J. Etheridge*
Nature Materials, 14 (11), 1142-1149 (2015).

Atomically precise interfaces from non-stoichiometric deposition
Y. Nie*, Y. Zhu* (equal contribution), C.-H. Lee, L.F. Zhu Ye, J.A. Mundy, J. Junquera, Ph. Ghosez, D.J. Baek, S. Sung, X.X. Xi, K.M. Shen, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom
Nature Communications 5, 4530 (2014).
(featured by Nature Materials 13, 844-845, news & views "Atoms on the move" (2014) )

Quantitative position-averaged K-, L-, and M-shell core-loss scattering in STEM
Y. Zhu, C. Dwyer
Microsc. Microanal. 20 (4), 1070 (2014).

Fast imaging with inelastically scattered electrons by off-axis chromatic confocal electron microscopy
C.L. Zheng, Y. Zhu, S. Lazar, J. Etheridge
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (16), 166101 (2014).
(Selected as a PRL Editors’ Suggestion, and featured by Physics Today "A new angle on electron microscopy").

Energy- and thickness-dependent contrast in atomic-scale electron energy-loss spectroscopy
H. Tan, Y. Zhu, C. Dwyer, H.L. Xin
Phys. Rev B. 90 (21), 214305 (2014).

Phase evolution for conversion reaction electrodes in lithium-ion batteries
F. Lin, D. Nordlund, T.-C Weng, Y. Zhu, C. Ban, R.M. Richards, H.L. Xin
Nature Communications 5, 3358 (2014).

Crossover from incoherent to coherent phonon scattering in epitaxial oxide superlattices
J. Ravichandran, A.K. Yadav, R. Cheaito, P.B. Rossen, A. Soukiassian, S.J. Suresha, J.C. Duda, B.M. Foley, C.-H. Lee, Y. Zhu, A.W. Lichtenberger, J.E. Moore, D.A. Muller, D.G. Schlom, P.E. Hopkins, A. Majumdar, R. Ramesh, M.A. Zurbuchen
Nature Materials 13 (2), 168-172 (2014).

A fast deposition-crystallization procedure for highly efficient lead iodide perovskite thin-film solar cells
M. Xiao, F. Huang, W. Huang, Y. Dkhissi, Y. Zhu, J. Etheridge, A. Gray‐Weale, U. Bach, Y.‐B. Cheng, L. Spiccia
Angew. Chem. 126 (37), 10056 (2014).

Gas-assisted preparation of lead iodide perovskite films consisting of a monolayer of single crystalline grains for high efficiency planar solar cells
F. Huang, Y. Dkhissi, W. Huang, M. Xiao, I. Benesperi, S. Rubanov,Y. Zhu, X. Lin, L. Jiang, Y. Zhou, A. Gray-Weale, J. Etheridge, C.R. McNeill, R.A. Caruso, U. Bach, L. Spiccia, Y.-B. Cheng
Nano Energy 10, 10 (2014).

Exploiting dimensionality and defect mitigation to create tunable microwave dielectrics
C.-H. Lee, N.D. Orloff, T. Birol, Y. Zhu, V. Goian, E. Rocas, R. Haislmaier, E. Vlahos, J.A. Mundy, L.F. Zhu Ye, Y. Nie, M.D. Biegalski, J. Zhang, M. Bernhagen, N.A. Benedek, Y. Kim, J.D. Brock, R. Uecker, X.X. Xi, V. Gopalan, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Kamba, D.A. Muller, I. Takeuchi, J.C. Booth, C.J. Fennie, D.G. Schlom
Nature 502 (7472), 532 (2013).
(featured by Nature 502, 455-456, news & views "Materials scientists take control" (2013))
